Godard is a director well known for making 'difficult' movies: one's that tell the audience little and ask for a lot of investment before seeing any return. Slow Motion is certainly representative of this form of film-making. It fluctuates between the bizarre (formula 1 cars appearing in and out of a scene without explanation) and the obscene (the character Godard talking about his daughter in a highly inappropriate way). In between there's philosophy readings, scenes where characters look out windows, and slow motion hugging.
Trying to accurately describe Godard to someone who's never seen him is like trying to describe a rainbow to someone who's only seen black and white. There is no denying the uniqueness and creativity of the director, regardless of my feelings about the result of this endeavour.
Perhaps Godard's movies can only really be appreciated by those who believe a script is not the be and end all of cinema. Given that almost every movie films with a script, or at least a clear outline of characters (cf. Mike Leigh), perhaps this shows you how limited Godard believes film-makers can make themselves. Nevertheless, the reason most people (myself included) watch movies is for characters and stories, take that away and you're left with something akin to a great piece of art: challenging and insightful but without the emotional attachment to characters/scenes most of us associate with our favourite movies.
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