In Meantime, the story centres on a family in Thatcherite Britain living in high-rises in East London. The father and two sons are all unemployed, and rely on the dole to eat/smoke/drink. The mother's sister is faring better, living in a middle-class suburb, and this clash of cultures forms the basis for the film's story.
Leigh's individual style is one that very much appeals to me. It gives each of the characters a great sense of 'self' that few movies have. When films were first made, the main experience people had of acting was the theatre, where lines are delivered as much to the audience as the co-stars. This type of delivery can still be seen in most modern movies. Where 'exposition' will mean characters say things people would never really say in real life. For example in last week's Lost the camera pans over a huge temple before cutting to Hurley who says: "So this is the temple."
All of this makes for a very unique and interesting movie, which says a lot about Britain in the early 80s. It does it by showing the impact on people's lives without resorting to some character's rise and fall, or other movie trope. Instead, character's lives change little because of events: stuff happens, but its impact is left open to interpretation. Again reflecting the slow process of change and people's general adversity to it.
Out of the five movies I've seen so far (including next week's Eyes Wide Shut) Meantime is definitely my favourite. It's a movie that could only be made by its director, and as a result has a realism and truth you rarely see portrayed on screen.
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